Be the energy you want to attract

Our mission is to make the world a better place by spreading positive energy with our beautifully crafted jewelry. Our customers wear a daily reminder of positivity made with natural stones and filled with positive energy, which helps them focus on the good things in life. Because when you focus on the good, the good gets better.


Our gemstones come from all over the world

Our jewelry is Mother Earth friendly. We create sustainably-crafted pieces that bring joy to those who wear them, and to those who make them, with the conviction that jewelry can be enjoyed while looking after our planet. We follow our golden rule: treat the earth the way you treat yourself.

Ethical production

We teamed up with more than 100 artisans to create handcrafted jewelry in endless color combinations—each one as unique as the person wearing it.

Our artisans are mainly mothers working from home who can count on a steady income source without having to sacrifice precious time with their children thanks to the incredible support of Fashion Queenly fans.
